Thoughts About Representation

Thoughts About Representation

I’ve been putting off boarding this short film because I’ve been stressing about how to accurately roll COVID-19 and my experience into a conversation about Representation in my industry and all the nuances and expectations that come along with that....
Blender: Progress on Environment

Blender: Progress on Environment

As mentioned yesterday, I’ve begun 3D modeling my blender environment. These are some in-progress screencaps of the modeling process. I was actually lucky enough to find blueprints for my unit and building. For my privacy I’ll include them in the final...
Blender: 3D model environment

Blender: 3D model environment

For the purposes of this assignment, I’m going to be reflecting on my experience during COVID-19 as a short film, or maybe more accurately a series of short gifs set to music that I hope will reflect the mood and experience of living alone during the pandemic....
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